62 Organizations Signed Letter to Congressional Quiet Skies Caucus (QSC) Re: NextGen Advisory Committee (NAC) Membership – December 2021-November 2022

Date: December 20, 2021 – November, 3, 2022
Description: The December 20, 2021 letter requests the Congressional Quiet Skies Caucus to contact DOT Secretary Buttigieg requesting that he direct the FAA to recommend multiple community representatives to the NextGen Advisory Committee (NAC) before the June 2022 NAC charter renewal. Subsequently, the 62 organizations’ letter was covered by Airport Noise Report (ANR) and the Quiet Skies Caucus sent a letter to DOT Secretary Buttigieg and issued a press release.
9. Letter and Press Release: “Norton, Lynch, Quigley, and Suozzi Lead Quiet Skies Caucus Request that Community Members Be Eligible to Serve on NextGen Advisory Committee”
October 21, 2022 – The QSC “Request that Community Members Be Eligible to Serve on NextGen Advisory Committee” given their disappointment that candidates from groups representing communities that live under NextGen corridors appear to be ineligible to apply to fill current and future vacancies on the NextGen Advisory Committee (NAC). QSC requests a response from the FAA by November 3, 2022. The QSC Letter appears in Congresswoman Norton’s press release, October 26, 2022.
PDF copy of press release available here.
8. Media Coverage: “Newly Cited NAC Membership Qualifications Will Exclude Community Groups,” Airport Noise Report (ANR)
September 2, 2022 – The ANR newsletter features an article about the NAC membership process and qualifications for Environmental Interests groups to join including comments from the NAC’s August 30th meeting: AICA Co-founders Cindy Christiansen on NAC qualifications and Darlene Yaplee on FAA Noise Policy Review. Airport Noise Report (ANR) vol. 34, no. 29, (September 2, 2022), pages 116-119.
7. Media Coverage: “FAA Rejects Quiet Skies Caucus Request to Add Five Community Seats to NAC,” Airport Noise Report (ANR)
August 12, 2022 – The ANR newsletter features an article on the rejection of the request from the Quiet Skies Caucus to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg in an April 20th letter to expand NAC membership to include more community members Airport Noise Report (ANR) vol. 34, no. 26, (August 12, 2022), pages 105-106.
6. Letter: Department of Transportation Replies to the Quiet Skies Caucus Regarding the Membership of the NextGen Advisory Committee (NAC)
June 30, 2022 — The Department of Transportation replied to the Quiet Skies Caucus which requested the addition of five community representatives to the NextGen Advisory Committee (NAC). See item 3. above for the Quiet Skies Caucus letter.
5. Letter and Press Release: “Norton, Lynch, Quigley, Souzzi Lead Quiet Skies Caucus Request for Addition of Five Community Representatives to NextGen Advisory Committee”
April 22, 2022 – Members of Quiet Skies Caucus send a letter to Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg requesting the addition of five community representatives to the NextGen Advisory Committee (NAC). “None of the members represent communities that live under NextGen corridors and that are directly impacted by the recommendations of the NAC,” the letter said. “To better fulfill NAC’s mission, we recommend adding five more seats to the committee, to be filled by representatives who can speak on behalf of affected communities.”
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April 22, 2022 – The ANR newsletter features an article about the Congressional Quiet Skies Caucus’s letter to Secretary Buttigieg requesting that he add five community representatives to the NextGen Advisory Committee. Caucus members ask for a response by May 4, 2022. Airport Noise Report (ANR) vol. 34, no. 14, (April 22, 2022), pages 53, 54.
3. Letter: Quiet Skies Caucus (QSC) to the Honorable Pete Buttigieg regarding NextGen Advisory Committee (NAC) membership expansion
April 20, 2022 – The QSC requests: “We, members of the Quiet Skies Caucus, write to request that you direct the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to add five community representatives to the NextGen Advisory Committee (NAC) as part of the June 2022 NAC charter renewal.”
2. Media Coverage: “Community Groups Ask QSC to Help Them Get On Next-Gen Advisory Committee,” Airport Noise Report (ANR)
February 4, 2022 – ANR newsletter featured an article about the letter from 62 grassroots community groups in which they appealed to the congressional Quiet Skies Caucus to help them obtain community membership on the FAA’s NextGen Advisory Committee (NAC), whose charter will be renewed in June. Airport Noise Report (ANR) vol. 34, no. 4, (February 4, 2022), pages 13, 15.
1. Letter: 62 Organizations Signed Letter to Congressional Quiet Skies Caucus (QSC) Re: NextGen Advisory Committee (NAC) Membership
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