Tag: ANR

FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 – April 2023-Current

71 Community groups urge Congressionals to protect communities from adverse aviation impacts of noise, health, and emissions through the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2023. The FAA Reauthorization Act is a United States federal law that is passed by Congress and signed by the President. It reauthorizes the FAA for five years on a wide range of measures: extends the FAA’s funding and provides new authorities and responsibilities. For reference, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 was signed by Congress on October 3, 2018, and the President on October 5, 2018.

FAA Noise Policy Review – October 2022-Current

After reporting the Neighborhood Environmental Survey (NES) results on January 13, 2021, FAA stated its plan to “bringing on board the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) to assist with designing an inclusive and participatory policy review framework and process that prioritizes input from substantially affected stakeholders, including local communities”. The FAA/FMCS Interagency Agreement (IAA) was signed September 10, 2021. On May 1, 2023 the FAA announced it would review its Noise Policy and solicited comments to the Federal Register.

FAA Community Engagement Scorecard (FAACES) – May 2022-Current

The FAA has asserted that it has improved its community engagement efforts over the past few years. To determine if these efforts have been adequate and resulted in improvements, from the perspective of local community groups, the Aviation-Impacted Communities Alliance (AICA) developed the project FAA Community Engagement Scorecard (FAACES). This project originated at the Aviation Noise and Emissions Symposium and received media coverage by Airport Noise Report (ANR).

FAA Research, Engineering and Development Advisory Committee (REDAC) – October 2022 – Current

AICA presented at the REDAC meeting during the public forum. REDAC provides a public forum at their bi-annual meetings. As an FAA advisory committee, REDAC provides advice and recommendations to the FAA Administrator on the needs, objectives, plans, approaches, content, and accomplishments of the aviation research portfolio. Additionally REDAC works the ensure FAA present and future aviation research activities are coordinated with similar research being conducted outside the FAA.

“Community Engagement or DIS-Engagement” Presentation at Aviation Noise and Emissions (ANE) Symposium by Darlene Yaplee – May 2022

This presentation will discuss Community Engagement based on the speaker’s experience and perspectives from additional members of aviation-impacted communities. Is the term “community” used consistently? What is “meaningful engagement” for people near flight paths? Who is the “community” in Community Engagement? The presentation was subsequently covered by Airport Noise Report (ANR).

62 Organizations Signed Letter to Congressional Quiet Skies Caucus (QSC) Re: NextGen Advisory Committee (NAC) Membership – December 2021-November 2022

The December 20, 2021 letter requests the Congressional Quiet Skies Caucus to contact DOT Secretary Buttigieg requesting that he direct the FAA to recommend multiple community representatives to the NextGen Advisory Committee (NAC) before the June 2022 NAC charter renewal. Subsequently the 62 organizations’ letter was covered by Airport Noise Report (ANR) and the Quiet Skies Caucus sent a letter to DOT Secretary Buttigieg and issued a press release.